Composer and Sounddesigner

"Sometimes you hear something and think: "now this is how the modern world feels to me". Peter's music is like that, capturing excitement and speed and ambiguity and even wistfulness and melancholy ...a complex emotional palette which feels to me like real life." Brian Eno about J. Peter Schwalm´s music


22/01/2013 20:34
i have started to work on a wagner interpretation project to be released in may this year...more...
07/01/2013 16:50
I am happy to announce this project that will take place in London in september 2013 More...
12/11/2012 23:32
brian eno and myself in milano 2002 photo by guido...
12/11/2012 23:12
the icebreaker ensemble performing brian eno's "apollo" at the science...
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